Creating NEBourhoods Together


Neighbourhood meeting place "RESI"

Friday, 28 June 2024, 5 pm,
Start at Preetoriusweg/Therese-Giehse-Allee, Neuperlach

NEBourhood Hubs Mobilität Treffpunkte

Two multifunctional neighbourhood stations will support sustainable mobility options in future and improve the quality of life in the neighbourhood. They were developed in a co-creative process with citizens and creatives from Neuperlach. The Chair of Architectural Informatics at the Technical University of Munich is responsible for these two pavilions. The "RESI" neighbourhood station is located on Preetoriusweg/Therese-Giehse-Alle, while the "STEINI" station is on Steinplatz near the Marx-Zentrum.

In numerous interactive workshops with local residents, both the locations and the functions of the hubs were individually determined and put together. Based on the residents' wishes, local street furniture manufacturer Gronard designed and realised the two hubs over the past few months. In addition to shaded seating and book exchange shelves, Neuperlach residents can look forward to a library of things, a graffiti wall and various rental options for mobility aids and cargo bikes.

In order to optimally adapt and further develop the neighbourhood stations to the needs of the neighbourhood, residents are invited to share their ideas for furnishings and suggestions. The individual households were informed of this by post.

See also Test event of the digital tools for participatory city planning, 19 July 2024, 10 am – 7 pm

Image Credit: NEBourhoods/TUM Chair of Architectural Informatics, GRONARD GmbH

NEBourhood Hubs Treffpunkte RESI
NEBourhood Hub Treffpunkt STEINI
NEBourhood Hubs Treffpunkte MObility
NEBourhood Hubs Treffpunkte RESI
NEBourhood Hub Treffpunkt STEINI
NEBourhood Hubs Treffpunkte MObility