Kick-off event
Creating NEBourhoods Together
in Neuperlach
16 February 2023
Community Kitchen Living Room, Neuperlach
Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9, 81737 Munich

Creating NEBourhoods Together introduced itself in Neuperlach on 16.2.2023: Together with District Committee 16, the project consortium invited the population, associations, organisations and everyone who cares about the future of Neuperlach to the Community Kitchen.
NEBourhoods stands for climate-friendly, inclusive and beautiful living and working in the district - making Neuperlach a model for other European cities with comparable challenges.
Neuperlach residents and guests of all generations joined the NEBourhoods team at dialogue tables for a concrete exchange. Particularly intensive discussions took place about accessibility of buildings and public space, planting edible plants, heat protection, the possibility for energy communities as well as the improvement of habitats for animals. The meeting made it possible to learn more about the planned promotion of entrepreneurship and support for the creation of start-ups.
Opportunities to get involved in the different areas and projects are available in numerous workshops. Interested parties can contact or call 089/1265-3119.
Picture credits: Architecture Gallery Munich