Creating NEBourhoods Together


Creative minds, new paths: Innovation in dialogue between the business parks

Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 5.30–7.30 pm
Munich Urban Colab, Munich

NEBourhoods Gewerbegebietsmanagement LHM Vision

A warm invitation to the Gewerbegebiete Neumarkter Straße and Perlach Süd as well as the Gewerbeband Steinhausen!

On Wednesday, 25 October 2023, we cordially invite you to the Munich Urban Colab. The Colab sees itself as a place of cooperation to develop urban challenges for a liveable city of the future. We would like to take up this "spirit" and exchange ideas with you about innovation strategies in small and medium-sized enterprises. Let yourself be inspired by a lecture from FamilienUnternehmerTUM!

We are also looking forward to opening the exhibition on the history of the focus area "Perlach Süd" together with Uli Walter from the Perlach Heimatarchiv and you.

Munich Urban Colab / Collaboration Space
Freddie-Mercury-Strasse 5, 80797 Munich, Germany

If you are interested in attending, please register with Susanna Walter at 089 90421390 or by email at

The event room is barrier-free.

NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto
NEBourhoods Gewergebiet historisches Foto

The Gewerbegebietsmanagement (GGM)
In 2023, the industrial estate management (Gewerbegebietsmanagement) in the area of Perlach Süd, Neumarkter Straße and in the Gewerbeband Steinhausen will be continued by the STUDIO | STADT | REGION office on behalf of the Department of Labor and Economic Development (RAW). The commercial area management serves the networking of local actors and the exchange of information on current issues and future topics of area development. Further information on the commercial area management can be found here.

Munich Urban Colab
Munich Urban Colab is the start-up centre under the auspices of the City of Munich and UnternehmerTUM (Munich Technical University Start-up and Innovation Centre). At the Munich Urban Colab, established companies as well as start-ups, the city of Munich and science find space to (jointly) work, exchange and network. You can find more information about the Colab here.