Ciné Veló Cité x Shadow Transitions
Mobile Bicycle Cinema and Film Lab under Sun Sail Construction
Thursday, 6 July 2023, 8 pm
St. Jakobusbrücke at the Quidde35

On Thursday evening, Ciné Vélo Cité, together with architecture students from the Munich University of Applied Sciences, will transform the St. Jakobus Bridge in Neuperlach into a public cinema under an adaptable sun sail construction.
8 pm: Students from the Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design present the adaptable sun sail construction on the bridge.
9 pm: Start of the screening of the films produced by pupils of the Wilhelm-Röntgen-Realschule together with students of the Munich University of Applied Sciences and the artist and filmmaker Patrik Thomas on the question "How will Neuperlach develop by 2030?"
Afterwards, female filmmakers from the HFF will present short films.
Come along and enjoy the evening with us on Jakobus Brücke
(Quiddestraße 35A) – drinks and snacks will be provided.
Ciné Vélo Cité is a project of the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Department of Architecture, with the filmmaker and artist Patrik Thomas and the professor of urban planning and theory of the city, Andrea Benze.
Admission is free.
Cine Vélo Cité celebrated its premiere as part of the Ramersdorf-Perlach district week on 1 July 2023.
Further dates (outside Neuperlach):
13 July 2023, 9 pm,
Kunstarealfest München, Karlstraße 6 / on the lawn in front of the University of Applied Sciences Munich
21 July 2023, 9 pm,
Summer Festival Munich University of Applied Sciences, Karlstraße 6 / in the courtyard
4 August 2023, 9 pm,
Guest in the travelling space, Olympiapark Munich
The realisation of the Ciné Vélo Cité is funded by the Cultural Department and the Neuperlach Disposition Fund as part of Städtebauförderungsprogramm "Growth and Sustainable Renewal" with funds from the Federal Government and the Free State of Bavaria, and co-financed by the City of Munich.
Picture credits: Architecture Gallery Munich