Creating NEBourhoods Together


Information event "Thinking energy locally"

Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 5–7:30 pm,
THW Munich East local organisation, Perlach/Bayerwaldstraße industrial estate, Unterbiberger Straße 5, 81737 Munich

NEBourhoods Energiegemeinschaft

As part of the commercial area management (GGM) in Perlach Süd, the Department of Labor and Economic Affairs of the City of Munich invites you to an information event entitled "Thinking energy supply locally".

In addition to looking at forward-looking technical solutions, the focus will be on collaborative and inspiring possibilities for energy supply in the district.

A cooperative event of the GGM and the NEB-Aktion Energiegemeinschaften of the Technical University of Munich/ Chair of Building Technology and Climate-Friendly Construction, Prof. Thomas Auer.

If you have any questions, please contact Robert Rudolph, Commercial Area Manager of the City of Munich, as well as Ann-Christin Sreball and Susanna Walter from STUDIO | STADT | REGION:

Image credit: NEBourhoods/TUM Chair of Building Technology and Climate-Friendly Construction