Creating NEBourhoods Together


Workshop: Common spaces for people animals nature

Thursday, 16 May 2024, 1–6 pm
in the NEBourhoods Pavilion /Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Wohnring

NEBourhoods gemeinsame Räume für alle

The workshop ist part of the mcbw – munich creativ business week, registration under

When designing designing natural spaces in cities, the space around residential buildings must be designed in such a way that the needs of people, animals and plants are taken into account equally.

Architects and other professionals think about the right design of space during the design process of green urban development, but what do the residents themselves think about the right design of their spaces? What needs and wishes do they have for their living environment?

This workshop aims to give a better insight into this question and at the same time encourage reflection on the challenges associated with the democratic design of the living environment.

In the Munich EU project for the New European Bauhaus initiative, experts are working with creative people and the local population in real-world laboratories to realise concepts that improve biodiversity and living conditions in Neuperlach.
With our NEB Actions "ECOLOPES", "Animal-Aided Design" and "Growing a Tasty Neuperlach", solutions are being developed to promote urban biodiversity and create climate-friendly, healthy places where all city dwellers can experience nature and where people and animals can meet.