Creating NEBourhoods Together


Workshop: Transformation of existing buildings for the common good

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 5-8 p.m.
VerhandelBar, Sandstraße 47a, 80335 Munich

NEBourhoods Circularity Bürogebäude Circular Neuperlach Transformation

We are testing our “Circular Neuperlach” methods with an extended field of practitioners on an existing building in the inner city area of Munich. We are investigating what a project development oriented towards the common good could look like in existing buildings and which structures and processes need to be transformed along the way.

The teams from the ENPB Chair at TUM and AbbrechenAbbrechen have invited actors from the cooperative scene, urban development for the common good and real estate project development to the VerhandelBar. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the workshop and discuss the final presentation of the results with us.

Picture credits: NEBourhoods/TU Munich/ Johannes Staudt and Carsten Schade