Creating NEBourhoods Together


Mobile workshop in Neuperlach
Basics of 3D printing

Saturday, 14 and 28 September 2024, 12–3 pm
Theodor-Heuss-Platz in the "Wohnring"

Der Mobile MakerSpace in Neuperlach im Wohnring

In September, 3D printing is the focus of our MakerSpace workshops: With this technology, small parts can be produced quickly and cheaply – from the implementation of your own ideas in model making to the production of spare parts.

We invite all Neuperlach residents and employees of local businesses to get creative and put their ideas into practice with us. With our mobile MakerSpace, "Creating NEBourhoods Together" opens up the start-up world to all interested people in Neuperlach and supports their entrepreneurial activities. In the spirit of the New European Bauhaus, we inspire citizens to positively change and shape their neighbourhood.

A MakerSpace staff member is on site and explains how to use the equipment or assists with the production of prototypes and first products.

Use of the MakerSpace is free of charge and can be visited and used by anyone interested during opening hours. Access is barrier-free.

The MakerSpace is run by UnternehmerTUM.

Picture Credit: Patrik Thomas