Creating NEBourhoods Together


A mobile kitchen for Neuperlach to borrow!

Friday, July 5, 2024, 1.45-3 pm, forecourt of Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 2a (rear exit PEP)

Kochen auf mobiler Küche im Freien

Cooking and eating together brings people together and connects them. And in the open air, it becomes a special moment. Raphael Krome and Adrian Soelch from Raumfragen Neuperlach have developed a mobile kitchen that is specially designed for outdoor use and can be easily transported on foot. We will be cooking the recipes à la Neuperlach that we have developed with you over the last few months. Our creative minds Christine Krauss and Jörg Sellerbeck have compiled and designed them into a collection of recipes. The kitchen and recipe collection can now be borrowed, simply contact Christina, Peter or Michael at