Creating NEBourhoods Together


Site visit: Shading architecture for Neuperlach

Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 4:30 pm
Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 68, 81735 Munich
(at Campus di Monaco)

Verschattungsarchitektur hortus di Monaco

Come along and get to know our shading architecture for Neuperlach, which can both provide shade and produce energy!

Sebastian Koth and Andreas Schönbrunner from the NEB Action "Public Power" explain climate change and adaptation strategies as well as the construction of the building.

The increasing heat stress caused by climate change is making large parts of the urban space a burden on our health – also in Neuperlach.

To ensure that public spaces remain usable in summer, the NEB Action "Shade and Energy" has developed a "shading architecture" together with the local population and the pupils of the Montessori school Campus di Monaco: The construction creates a space that invites people to linger and take a break in the shade.
However, as photovoltaic elements are integrated into the fabric covering, the shading architecture can do even more: the electricity generated can be used by everyone, for example to charge mobile phones. The Monaco campus would also like to use electricity and shade for the planned outdoor lessons or possible cinema evenings.

The shading architecture is the first element of the planned Neuperlach school and neighbourhood garden.

The structure is made of bamboo, which belongs to the grass family. Bamboo grows very quickly, between 30-80 cm a day under good conditions. As a fast-growing natural product, bamboo is very sustainable and stores CO2. Bamboo is also very robust and flexible, which made the curved roof shape possible.

After the tour, the exhibition opening of the NEB Action "Redesigning Housing Structures" will take place at 6 pm in the KulturBunt Neuperlach, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 62. A warm welcome!

Picture Credit: Sebastian Koth