Creating NEBourhoods Together


MakerSpace Special: Join us to make outdoor signposts and room dividers! Using lasers, paint and sewing machines, we'll leave festive traces in the neighborhood...

Saturday, October 19, 10 am - 2 pm
MakerSpace, Theodor-Heuss-Platz in the Wohnring

NEBourhoods Boulevard MakerSpace Stipendien

Neuperlach is so large and green - you can find a spot for a picnic, a summer party or a barbecue anywhere. A few garlands will make it look even more festive and make it easier for your guests to find you.

On three dates, you will work with Anna Diermeier (designer / to make elements for room dividers and signposts from disused façade banners, spray them with the help of templates and sew them together to make long garlands. With Anna, you will learn all the techniques used in a playful way and on a specific project. She also knows many sources for materials that can no longer be used for their original purpose. And she has a lot of experience in designing and building beautiful and useful things from them.

We will be using the garlands for the first time at NEBourhoods Boulevard on October 19. And then they will pass into your hands!

Registration by e-mail to

Picture Credits: NEBourhoods/Anna Diermeier