Creating NEBourhoods Together


Invitation to the opening of the exhibition "Redesigning Housing Structures"

Wednesday, 18. September 2024, 6 pm
KulturBunt Neuperlach, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 62, 81735 Munich

Wohnen weiterbauen NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures

How can the residential buildings in Neuperlach be made socially, technically and economically fit for the future through renovation?

The exhibition "Redesigning Housing Structures" (Wohnen Weiterbauen) shows how technical refurbishment and spatial changes to flats can be achieved in a socially acceptable way by building on with prefabricated timber elements. With lower energy costs and increased living space, these extensions also enable more flexible use of the flats.
Films, models and drawings are used to suggest a variety of new living environments that could be created for Neuperlach's ageing buildings. The ideas are intended to stimulate discussion about a new culture of remodelling in Neuperlach and arouse anticipation about helping to shape our common future.

Welcome address: Claudia Tausend, Member of the German Bundestag
Introduction to the exhibition: Prof. Andreas Hild, Professorship for Design, Conversion and Preservation of Historic Monuments / TUM

The exhibition can be seen from 18 to 21 September 2024 in the Kulturhaus Neuperlach, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 62.

On 18 September, there will be a site visit to the shading architecture at Campus di Monaco, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 68, before the exhibition opening at 4:30 pm. You are very welcome!

Picture credit title image: TUM, Chair of Design, Remodelling and Conservation

Picture credits image series: Lilli Dolderer, Clarissa Posten (3D floor plan); Stefanie Fonseca Azzi, Jonas Teichmann (rendering); Ann-Kathrin Höltkemeier, Rosanna Obermeder (isonometry)

NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures Wohnen Wohnen Weiterbauen
NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures Wohnen Wohnen Weiterbauen
NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures Wohnen Wohnen Weiterbauen
NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures Wohnen Wohnen Weiterbauen
NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures Wohnen Wohnen Weiterbauen
NEBourhoods Redesigning Housing Structures Wohnen Wohnen Weiterbauen