Creating NEBourhoods Together


Living principles and spatial wonders: How did we live and how do we want to live? Workshops in the exhibition “Wohnen Weiterbauen”

Thursday, September 19 + Friday, September 20, 3-5 pm
Saturday, September 21, 10 am - 12 pm, Kulturhaus Neuperlach, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 62, 81735 Munich

Wohnen Weiterbauen Ausstellung Workshops NEBourhoods TUM Andreas Hild

How people live changes over the course of a lifetime for many reasons. Because life happens that way. Or because they imagine new living spaces. You are cordially invited to take part in the workshops accompanying the exhibition to continue building a shared home with individual living biographies and favorite spaces!

With Enrica Ferrucci, architect / ichbaumit
The workshops are free of charge - first come, first served! Being on time is a good thing

Tape Art Workshop

How much space do we have to live in? How much space do we actually need, and in which phases of life? Together with participants from Neuperlach, we create answers to these questions in tape art: individual living biographies and small works of art at the same time...
For seniors, families or to round off the working day

Thursday, September 19, 3-5 pm
Friday, September 20, 3-5 pm

Model making workshop

Which is your favorite room in the apartment - which new room would you also find wonderful and for what purpose? Build very special models of it with us! From beer felts, straws, matchboxes, artificial turf and much more...

For parent - child - teams
Saturday, September 21, 10 am - 12 pm

Picture Credits: NEBourhoods / Enrica Ferrucci