Creating NEBourhoods Together


"A new understanding of the city": Press tour with Chief Planner of the City of Munich Elisabeth Merk in Neuperlach

NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk

December 2023. The week was dominated by our new "NEBourhoods Pavilion", which is currently being set up in the Wohnring in Neuperlach as a meeting place and venue for our activities.

On Wednesday, our EU lighthouse project Creating NEBourhoods Together and a first look at our new pavilion were part of the press tour organised by PlanTreff/Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung der Landeshauptstadt München, where we presented the places and projects that are currently being planned and implemented in Neuperlach. In addition to NEBourhoods, these include the "Klimabausteine on top" refurbishment project by Münchner Wohnen, the interim use in shaere with the Community Kitchen and Neuperland on Hanns-Seidel-Platz.

Integrated urban development and urban regeneration

For the City of Munich, the New European Bauhaus approach perfectly complements the goals that have been pursued for years in terms of integrated urban development and urban regeneration. The aim is to "develop a new understanding of the city based on solidarity, beauty and respect for nature", says Elisabeth Merk, Chief Planner of the City of Munich and Founding Partner of "Creating NEBourhoods Together".

During the tour, the press representatives had the opportunity to learn more about the construction of our "NEBourhoods Pavilion" – a modular timber construction as a flexible and sustainable building system from the start-up WeOn GmbH: the construction is foldable and therefore easily transportable and adaptable to different space requirements.
The pavilion is operated by the UnternehmerTUM innovation centre as part of our project.

Softopening NEBourhoods Pavilion

And even though the rain is currently preventing us from continuing construction, we were still able to inaugurate the pavilion with interested citizens at a soft opening on Friday, before the official opening on 10 January 2024.
We look forward to being creative with the citizens of Neuperlach in our new NEBourhoods pavilion in the coming year - to create beautiful, environmentally friendly and sustainable neighbourhoods together!

Picture Credits: NEBourhoods/Architekturgalerie München/Cornelia Hellstern

NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk