Creating NEBourhoods Together


New places to discover: NEBourhoods prototypes in the latest edition of the Neuperlach district newspaper

Stadtteilzeitung Neuperlach MGS Stadtteilmanagement NEBourhoods

September 2024. Twice a year, the Neuperlach Stadtteilzeitung (district newspaper) informs the residents of the Neuperlach Nord Action Area (Handlungsraum) about municipal actions in the district's development. The contributions are written by the project partners themselves in order to report on their projects and on topics that further the renewal goals of the integrated district development concept for Neuperlach.

To complement the NEBourhoods prototypes created over the summer, in the latest issue we are introducing new NEBourhoods locations to the public. What is the "Nisthocker" (Nesting Stool) at the PEP all about? Where can you borrow the "mobile kitchen island"? How do the NEBourhood Hubs "RESI" and "STEINI" work? Two pages are devoted to covering these topics and many more.

In an interview, Prof. Dr. (Univ. of Florence) Elisabeth Merk, Planning Director of the City of Munich, explains how Neuperlach can be made future-ready, why Neuperlach is currently a focus for the work of Munich's Department of Urban Planning, and how "Creating NEBourhoods Together" is linked to that work. She also provides an overview of the long-term prospects for the district and Neuperlach's function as a role model for other Munich districts.

The online version of the "Stadtteilzeitung Neuperlach" is available (in German only) here.
The print edition is available in public facilities in Neuperlach and can also be obtained free of charge at Quidde35 and at the NEBourhoods Pavilion in the Wohnring.

The Neuperlach district newspaper is published by the Münchner Gesellschaft für Stadterneuerung (MGS) on behalf of the Department of Urban Planning of the City of Munich. The editorial work is carried out by the MGS Neuperlach district management at Quidde35 – Raum für Stadtsanierung (Urban Renewal Space).
Circulation: approx. 11,000 copies, distributed free of charge to all households in the Neuperlach Nord Action Area.