Creating NEBourhoods Together


Cool places for Neuperlach

NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau

August 2024. Take a break in the shade on hot days and charge your mobile phone at the same time: The "NEBourhoods shading architecture" for Neuperlach has been in place at the Campus di Monaco since the beginning of August. It is the first element of the planned Neuperlach school and neighbourhood garden.

The "NEBourhoods shading architecture" serves as a pioneering prototype for upgrading urban spaces in an increasingly hot climate, making them usable and accessible for everyone. This is because the increasing overheating of our cities due to rising temperatures is becoming a threat to pedestrians; vulnerable groups in particular are jeopardised by thermal stress and public spaces are becoming difficult for them to access.

Climate-friendly design of public spaces

As part of the NEB-Action "Shade and Energy", Neuperlach was analysed for heat islands in public spaces. The team defined areas that would be useful for shading measures in terms of their social usability, their ecological integration and their economic value. In participatory formats, demonstrators were developed with the population to show how climate-friendly design can bring about social, ecological and economic enhancement, create identity and thus create an inclusive, liveable, beautiful and sustainable city.

The "base" of the structure – the benches - is made of wood, while the construction of the ‘NEBourhoods shading architecture’ is made of bamboo, which belongs to the grass family. Under good conditions, bamboo grows between 30 and 80 centimetres a day, making the fast-growing natural product very sustainable and also stores CO2. Bamboo is both robust and flexible, which makes the curved shape of the shading architecture possible.

However, the aim of the NEB action was not only to improve the quality of life and usability of public space for everyone in order to avoid social exclusion. The "NEBourhoods shading architecture" can do even more: integrated photovoltaic modules are used to generate energy and the electricity can be used by everyone. And as an element of the school and neighbourhood garden of the international Montessori school Campus die Monaco, the "NEBourhoods shading architecture" provides electricity and shade for the planned outdoor lessons or for any upcoming cinema evenings.

We cordially invite you to visit the "NEBourhoods shading architecture" on Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 4:30 pm.
This will be followed by the exhibition opening of the NEB Action "Wohnen weiterbauen" at 6 pm in the KulturBunt Neuperlach.

Campus di Monaco, Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 68, 81735 Munich

• Thomas Auer, Sebastian C. Koth / Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie und Klimagerechtes Bauen
• Julian Lienhard, Andreas Schönbrunner / str.ucture GmbH

The Chair for Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design at the Technical University of Munich conducts research on holistic design strategies for buildings and cities.
str.ucture GmbH develops innovative structural solutions in new and existing buildings in accordance with the basic principles of lightweight construction.

Picture Credits: NEBourhoods/Architekturgalerie München, Patrik Thomas / TUM, Sebastian C. Koth / str.ucture GmbH, Andreas Schönbrunner

NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau
NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau