Creating NEBourhoods Together


11 success stories from the "Testbed Gewerbegebiet Perlach Süd": local companies networked with up-and-coming start-ups. An interim report.

NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up UnternemerTUM

August 2024. Showing established companies the potential of cooperating with start-ups, while giving young entrepreneurs the opportunity to test their products and services in practice: A win-win situation created by the "Test bed Gewerbegebiet Perlach Süd".

As part of the "Creating NEBourhoods Together" project, one of our aims is to bring start-ups and local companies together: On the one hand, companies become fit for the future with the innovative approaches and solutions of start-ups. On the other hand, start-ups can test their products and services in practice and receive direct feedback from potential customers. Our aim is to use various formats and methods to show local companies from Neuperlach and the Perlach Süd business park the potential of cooperating with up-and-coming start-ups and to make it easier for them to do so. In this network, we are creating a test bed from which start-ups and companies can benefit - win/win!

We have already achieved a lot in the first 19 months: start-ups have been networked with local companies, ideas have been tested and initial successes have been celebrated. Our approach combines co-creation and entrepreneurship to make the European Green Deal tangible for everyone. Neuperlach is thus becoming a showcase model for resilient, urban innovation.

Successful networking in detail

Three companies from Perlach South were successfully networked with the start-up Workinprogress. Their common goal was to develop innovative solutions for the demand for skilled labour.

WOW! Urbane Utopien
At an innovation forum, this start-up was able to establish a connection with a property company. They are currently exchanging ideas for the construction of a ‘city terrace’. City terraces are small islands with a high quality of stay in car parks - built from wood and surrounded by greenery.

Since our ‘Innovation Forum’ event in March 2024, this start-up has been in contact with a property company that is interested in alternative building materials. HopfON uses agricultural materials to develop building materials.

This start-up will support a property company in the future with the automated creation of web VR experiences and 3D property configuration. The aim is to make marketing even more vivid.

Dein Nachbar e.V.
The association supports senior citizens in need of help and care as well as caring relatives with trained volunteer helpers in everyday life. This offer has found favour with a social neighbourhood management. Otter Energy Trading Together with Action Energie-gemeinschaften, this start-up installed the first meter at Perlacher Herz in mid-July 2024.

Otter Energy Trading
enables commercial property owners to use their software to sell their photovoltaic electricity easily and profitably to tenants, neighbours, secondary locations or on the electricity exchange.

WeOn was given the opportunity to build the NEBourhoods pavilion for the first time. The pavilion is rented by UnternehmerTUM for NEBourhoods. WeOn was also invited by the City of Munich to participate in a workshop on ‘Urban Testbeds’ at the Nordic Edge Expo 2024 in Stavanger. This event is organised by ‘Urban Hub Europe’, an association of six European innovation centres, of which Munich is also a member.

WeOn and Otter Energy
Another property company showed interest in prefabricated houses and solar energy production and has been in contact with WeOn and Otter Energy since the innovation forum.

Angsa Robotics
This start-up was networked with a large company in Neuperlach to support the cleaning of semi-public spaces and green areas.

Kolula Solutions
A collaboration was established with the NEB Action "Mobility NEBourhoods", which is expected to be further expanded.

Gronard GmbH
The company was networked with the NEB Action "Mobility NEBourhoods" – they have implemented the mobility hubs in Neuperlach.

In addition to these concrete matches, there were numerous discussions between the participating start-ups, established companies and representatives of the local Ramersdorf-Perlach district committee. These interactions offer a lot of potential for further successful networking. We are looking forward to the upcoming developments and the further fruitful matches that will result from these contacts.

Would you also like to be networked? Feel free to contact us without obligation and of course free of charge:
Contact persons: Susanna Walter, Ann-Christin Sreball from STUDIO | CITY | REGION

Picture Credits: STUDIO | STADT | REGION

NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up Gewerbegebiet Neuperlach